Friday, 13 November 2009

Group Tutorial

After the last group tutorial not going exactly to plan should I say, this weeks went a hell of a lot better. I was so pleased to see people enthusiastic about my work, especially as I was worried it wasn't quite up to scratch,it's always great to find that people enjoy your work. I find personally the group tutorials more helpful than the one on ones, they generate more ideas and creativity in the group. Even though I do find that when it comes to my turn to show my work I don't get as much back from the group as others do. I don't know if this is purely because I'm sorted and on the right track or if people just don't get my work?!

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

John Baldessari : Pure Beauty

Whilst in London last weekend I visited the Tate and came across this beautiful exhibition that I didn't even realise was on, I was actually heading to see the Pop life exhibition but went to this instead, so glad. The artist John Baldessari, I had never heard of before. It was mainly a collection of his older pieces such as his text paintings, which once I saw, I did recognise other work included photography pieces. I only wish I had all day to spend viewing it and that I'd bought the book. I intend to go back.